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In the realm of construction, where worker safety and responsible practices are paramount, fraudulent behaviour in health and safety can have dire consequences. Not only does it endanger the health and lives of those involved, but it also impacts society and the environment. It can also contribute to project delays, higher costs, poor build quality, insurance, and reputation. In short, it undermines our progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Understanding Fraudulent and unethical Behaviour in Health and Safety:
Fraudulent behaviour in health and safety in construction refers to any deliberate act or omission that compromises the safety of workers or the quality of the construction process for personal gain. This could manifest as using substandard machinery and materials, neglecting safety procedures, misrepresenting competency and compliance, bid rigging, taking kickbacks from contractors, exploiting workers, failing to deliver as contracted and falsifying records. Such behaviour not only poses immediate risks but also hampers sustainable development efforts by impeding progress toward key SDGs, such as Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), and Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
Case Study:
A construction company was awarded a contract to build a new hospital. The project was expected to cost $100 million and take three years to complete. Early in the project, the project manager began to inflate the costs of materials and labour. He also falsified invoices and submitted them to the owner for payment. The project manager defrauded the owner of $20 million throughout the project.
The fraud had several negative consequences.
The total cost of the fraud, including the increased cost of the project, the delay in completion, and the cost of the injuries, was estimated to be $30 million.
Advice for Business Leaders and Safety Professionals :
Culture of Integrity: Foster a company culture that places the utmost importance on integrity and ethical behaviour. Ensure that safety is a core value and that any fraudulent activity will not be tolerated. Implement an ethics and fraud prevention policy and governance process.
Lead by example: Be a torch bearer for ethical practises. Set the right tone from the top.
Risk Assessment: Conduct a fraud risk assessment to identify, assess, and mitigate fraud risks in an organisation. It should be part of a project and an organisation’s overall risk management framework.
Supply Chain Due Diligence: Implement rigorous supplier vetting processes to ensure materials, equipment, and services meet the required ethical & safety standards. Avoid compromising on quality for short-term gains.
Invest in Training: Provide ongoing training and education for all employees, emphasising the significance of health and safety competence and compliance. Equip workers with the knowledge and skills to identify potential fraudulent activities and report them promptly.
Whistle-blower Protection: Establish a robust whistle-blower protection program that encourages employees to report suspicious activities without fear of retaliation. Make sure there are clear channels for reporting concerns.
Transparent Communication: Maintaining transparency regarding health and safety procedures, compliance standards, communication and expectations. Transparency helps in building trust among stakeholders.
Advice for Health and Safety Professionals:
In conclusion, combating fraudulent behaviour in health and safety within the construction industry is a matter of ethical responsibility and a critical step toward achieving sustainable development. By adhering to ethical principles, fostering transparency, and placing safety at the forefront, business leaders and health and safety professionals can advance the SDGs while ensuring the well-being of workers and the integrity of construction projects.
Image: Freepik